Micro Distributors, Small Distributors and Independent Sellers


Micro Distributors

Our products are available at a special rate for Micro Distributors with a minimum investment of $200.00 USD. (You can order from one of our products or mix and match) All our products are promoted through advertising for your benefit at no additional cost.


Small Distributors

Our products are available at wholesale prices with a minimum investment of $750.00 (You can order from one of our products or mix and match. All our products are promoted through advertising for your benefit at no additional cost.


Independent Sellers

Sell your products on our platform. If you have your own product and need where to sell it, our platform is available. Initial and ongoing cost are negotiable and will depend on sales volume, shipping and storage. Our platform will be promoted for your benefit at no additional cost.


Opportunities by working with us


Micro distributor

Our products are available at a special price for micro distributors at a minimum investment of $250.00 per order of one or a combination of products. All our products are promoted by means of advertising for your benefit at no additional cost.


Small seller

Our products are available at discounted wholesale prices with a minimum order of $750.00 per order of one or combination of products. All of our products are promoted through advertising at no additional cost to you.


Sell your product

On our platform, if you have your own product and need a place to sell it, our platform is available to you. The initial cost is negotiable. Ongoing cost will depend on the sales volume of your product. Shipping and warehouse arrangements for your product. Our platform will be promoted in advertising media.

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